Board Policies
Mental Health Resources:
School-Linked Mental Health - Fernbrook Family Center; 507-446-0431
100 Series: School District
200 Series: School Board
300 Series: Administration
400 Series: Employees/Personnel
403 Discipline, Suspension & Dismissal of Charter School Employee
407 Employee Right to Know – Exposure to Hazardous Substances
409 Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Inventions, and Creations
414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
416 Drugs, Alcohol and Cannabis Testing
418 Drug Free Workplace
419 Tobacco-Free Environment
420 Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases and Certain Other Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions
422 Policies Incorporated by Reference
423 Employee-Student Relationships
424.1 License Status
427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers
500 Series: Students
502 Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person
505 Distribution of Non-school-sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
507 Corporal Punishment
508 Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs
509 Admissions & Enrollment including lottery
510 School Activities
511 Student Fundraising
513 Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
517 Student Recruiting
519 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
520 Student Surveys
523 Policies Incorporated by Reference
526 Hazing Prohibition
527 Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Patrols, Inspections, and Searches
528 Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination
529 Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students
530 Immunization Requirements
600 Series: Education Programs
601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day
603 Curriculum Development
604 Instructional Curriculum
607 Organization of Grade Levels
610 Field Trips
612 Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title I Programs
613 Graduation Requirements
614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students
616 School District System Accountability
617 School District Ensurance of Preparation and Support
618 Assessment of Student Achievement
619 Staff Development for Standards
620 Credit for Learning
700 Series: Non-Instructional Operations and Business Services
701 Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
702 Accounting
703 Annual Audit
704 Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System
707 Transportation of Public-School Students
708 Transportation of Nonpublic School Students
710 Extracurricular Transportation
711 Video Recording on School Buses
712 Video Surveillance Other Than on Buses
713 Student Activity Accounting
800 Series: Buildings and Sites
802 Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material
803 Security of Buildings and Grounds
804 Energy Efficiency
805 Waste Reduction and Recycling
900 Series: School/Community Relations
901 Community Education
904 Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Nonschool Persons
905 Advertising
907 Rewards