Annual Assessments
Fountas & Pinnell Running Reading Records (K-5)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-60 minutes -
aReading-FASTBRIDGE (K-5) (Second week of September until the second week of October)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes -
aMath (K-5) (Second week of September until the second week of October)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes -
Check Up/FAST for Reading
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-15 minutes
Results from September assessments will be shared in the October conferences. FAST results that indicate a need for reading interventions will be shared with families by the end of the month.
Checkup (FAST) for all students
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-15 minutes -
Fountas & Pinnell Running Reading Records (K-5)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-60 minutes -
aReading-FASTBRIDGE (K-5) (First week of January until the second week of February)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes -
aMath (K-5) (First week of January until the second week of February)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes
Results from January assessments will be shared in the February conferences. FAST results that indicate a need for reading interventions will be shared with families by the end of the month.
MCA and MTAS. These tests are given in the following subjects and grade levels:
Math Grades 3-5 (April 23rd and 24th)
Approximate amount of testing time for students is 60-180 minutes, although there is no time limit. -
Reading Grades 3-5 (April 8th and 9th)
Approximate amount of testing time for students is 60-180 minutes, although there is no time limit. -
Science Grade 5 (April 29th and 30th): http://minnesota.pearsonaccessnext.com
Approximate amount of testing time for students is 60-180 minutes, although there is no time limit. -
Make-Up tests will happen the week of April 28th through May 2nd, although every attempt should be made to ensure your child is in school to test on the originally scheduled dates and times.
All tests will begin at 9:00 on the scheduled times listed above.
Fountas & Pinnell Running Reading Records (K-5)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-60 minutes -
Checkup for all students for FAST
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 10-15 minutes -
aReading-FASTBRIDGE (K-5) (Last week of April until the middle of May)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes -
aMath (K-5) (Last week of April until the middle of May)
Approximate amount of testing time for students: 20-45 minutes
Results from Fountas and Pinnell and FAST will be shared in the final report card. All MCA results are mailed out to families late August to early September.
What are the MCAs?
The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and alternate assessment, Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS), are the statewide tests that help districts measure student progress toward Minnesota's academic standards and meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Most students take the MCA, but students who receive special education services and meet eligibility criteria may take the MTAS.
MCA Testing
What are the aReading and aMath Assessments?
aReading (Adaptive Reading) is a computer-administered adaptive measure of broad reading that is individualized for each student, but may be individually or group administered in about 15-45 minutes. Items tap a variety of skills including concepts of print, phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, and vocabulary.
aMath (Adaptive Math) is a fully automated computer adaptive measure of broad math skills. It is individualized for each student, but may be group administered. Items tap a variety of skills including counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base ten, numbers and operations, measurement and data, and geometry. These assessments adapt and individualize to the skills of each student. Students typically complete the assessments in 20-30 minutes, reducing testing time by up to 50-95% compared to traditional tests. Our extensive research has enabled the aMath test of 30 items to replace a traditional 100-item test, with high accuracy and actionable results.