Transportation to and from Nerstrand Elementary School is provided by Faribault Public Schools for those students who reside within the Faribault Public Schools District.
The two transfer sites in Faribault that our students use are Shattuck St. Mary’s and the Faribault Middle School. Students arrive on one of two buses around 8:10 each morning and leave each day at 2:40 and 2:45 on those same two buses.
Questions about your child’s specific transportation route should be directed to Faribault Transportation at 507-333-5121. We are thankful to Faribault Public Schools for their support in getting our students to and from school safely each day.
Students who live in Nerstrand walk or bike to school with the help of our Safety Patrols. Those living outside of Nerstrand and the Faribault Public Schools District are able to get their children to school via their own transportation.